Let us define A(m, n) = m & (m+1) & ... & (n-1) & n, where & is the bitwise AND operation.
Write a program that, given 64-bit unsigned longs m and n, computes A(m, n).
Example Inputs:
49 54
2 2
2 3
Outputs (respectively):
A(49, 54)=49&50 &51&52&53&54= 48
A(2, 2) =2.If m= n,A(m, n)=m =n.
A(2, 3) =2& 3 =2
Let k be the bit width (maximum number of bits) of the primitive.
Easy: O(n -m) time. Consider that since m and n can be any 64-bit numbers, this could be
Moderate-Hard: O(k) time.
Hard: O(log(k)) time.
1.Complexity O(k)
Let us define A(m, n) = m & (m+1) & ... & (n-1) & n, where & is the bitwise AND operation.
Write a program that, given 64-bit unsigned longs m and n, computes A(m, n).
Example Inputs:
49 54
2 2
2 3
Outputs (respectively):
A(49, 54)=49&50 &51&52&53&54= 48
A(2, 2) =2.If m= n,A(m, n)=m =n.
A(2, 3) =2& 3 =2
Let k be the bit width (maximum number of bits) of the primitive.
Easy: O(n -m) time. Consider that since m and n can be any 64-bit numbers, this could be
Moderate-Hard: O(k) time.
Hard: O(log(k)) time.
1.Complexity O(k)
#include <iostream> using namespace std; unsigned long int RangeOperation(unsigned long int n,unsigned long int m) { unsigned long int temp,k=~0,d; d=m-n; while(d) { k<<=1; n=n&m&k; d>>=1; } return n; } int main() { unsigned long int n,m; cin>>n>>m; cout <<RangeOperation(n,m)<< endl; return 0; }
other way of doing of the above complexity
//RangeOpearation with K complexity #include <iostream> using namespace std; int MaxBit(unsigned long int n) { unsigned long int k=1;int p,count=0,i=0; while(i<32) { if(k&n) p=count; count++; k<<=1; i++; } return p; } unsigned long int RangeOperation(unsigned long int n,unsigned long int m) { unsigned long int p,q,k,t=0; p=MaxBit(n); q=MaxBit(m); if(p!=q) return 0; k=MaxBit(m-n); k=~t<<k; return m&n&k; } int main() { unsigned long int n,m; cin>>n>>m; cout <<"value is: "<< RangeOperation(n,m) << endl; return 0; }
2. With complexity O(logK)
//RangeOperation complexity logk. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int MaxBit(unsigned long int n) { unsigned long int p=1,k=0;int left=0,right=31,mid; while(n) { k=0,p=1; mid=(left+right)/2; k=~(~k<<mid+1); p=p<<mid; if(n<=k && n&p) { return mid+1; } else if(n>k) { left=mid; } else right=mid; } return 0; } unsigned long int RangeOperation(unsigned long int n,unsigned long int m) { unsigned long int p,q,k,t=0; p=MaxBit(n); q=MaxBit(m); if(p!=q) return 0; k=MaxBit(m-n); k=~t<<k; return m&n&k; } int main() { unsigned long int n,m; cin>>n>>m; cout <<"value is: "<< RangeOperation(n,m) << endl; return 0; }
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